Australian Football in Kiel
everyone welcome!



Stefan Röpstorff

on behalf of the Kiel Koalas Australian Football Club


This website contains links to external websites. We have no control over the contents of those websites, and therefore take no responsibility for them. The sites were checked for potential illegal contents at the time of linking. However, constant monitoring of all linked websites is not possible. Please get in touch if there are any concerns with one of the linked websites. We will remove links as soon as possible when we are made aware of any illegal contents.

Note on data protection

This website is a collection of static pages. It does not offer any system of registering a user account or any other means of interaction for visitors. We do not use cookies, and no external analysis services (like Google Analytics).

In the interest of ensuring fast and reliable access, this website is hosted by an external service provider. The system used by this provider will automatically create access logs. Only data provided by the client when requesting a document is used for these logs. The records are compiled into aggregate statistics on a daily basis and then deleted.